Unauthorized Retailers

Only Buy from a Diversified Power Solutions Authorized Retailer.

Beware of Unauthorized Resellers

Unfortunately, DPS products are sometimes sold by companies not authorized to do so. Goods sold by these unauthorized resellers are not purchased from DPS; instead, they are acquired from a host of other sources. DPS products sold by unauthorized resellers may have been:

  • Purchased on a secondary "gray" market
  • Damaged, defective, or used
  • Stolen goods

Many web sites, eBay and Amazon sellers will frequently change user names and web addresses so they cannot be reached to solve consumer problems. Other sites simply go out of business or are non-responsive to requests.

Due to the nature of the goods sold by unauthorized resellers and their business practices, products sold by unauthorized resellers are not entitled to Diversified Power Solutions warranty coverage. We are using our best efforts (including this warning) to prohibit these companies from taking advantage of consumers, but these practices still exist. We urge you to use diligence when selecting a dealer to make your purchase.

DPS is committed to consumer satisfaction. To that end, DPS cautions the consumer to 1) purchase product only in its original packaging; and 2) only buy from an authorized reseller.

Unauthorized Reseller List

The following companies are not authorized to sell Diversified Power Solutions aka DPS/ GasStop LLC.